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Verses written by Edmund Blampied

Blampied is known to have written verses in Jérrias and English. I bought a small archive of cards and written materials that had belonged to Philip Youngman Carter (1904-1969) and his wife, Margery Allingham (1904-1966), a crime novelist. They knew both Edmund and John Blampied. The archive contained the humorous verses shown here which Blampied had sent them, some written on small piece of paper torn from an artist's sketchbook and signed 'Toby Blam'. 'Toby' was one of Blampied's knicknames, perhaps because he looked a bit like the figure on a Toby jug?

Verse (EB-V1)

Date: 193?

Signed: Toby Blam

Dimensions: 139 x 203 mm

After mother and the flute I did

really love Annabelle

For she did play the dropsychord

so very very well.

Image of written verse

Verse written on paper (click to enlarge)

Verse (EB-V2)

Date: 193?

Signed: Edmund the brother of John and husband of Marianne

Dimensions: 101 x 140 mm

My dear Dame Marge

Have you heard of the old Beau

From Kynance cove

Who in his sleep has had his posterior

painted mauve?

- Possibly of foresight he may -

but of hindsight he has not

The suggestion of an atom,

The silly old cove.

Image of written verse

Verse written on paper (click to enlarge)

Verse (EB-V3)

Date: 193?

Signed: Toby Blam

Dimensions: 101 x 140 mm

She was everything to 'Arry' was Bella

An' so blood well were she to the master

And so were she too - between me

an' you and that bloody poker -

an' to Clergyman McAndrew's chauffeur

Image of written verse

Verse written on paper (click to enlarge)

Verse (EB-V4)

Date: 193?

Signed: Toby Blam

Dimensions: 101 x 140 mm

Peas in a Pod in the Pond

and the rouged lips of a tender blonde

And what you think may be the price of a song

May be the rubbish you dream of if your

digestion is all wrong

Image of written verse

Verse written on paper (click to enlarge)

Verse (EB-V5)

Date: 193?

Signed: Toby Blam

Dimensions: 140 x 101 mm

Poor little Miss Minnie Morr

Alas! - She's no more.

Just think - She was but 53 or 4.

Her life, so they say was flawless.

A little bird's Told me that in 1904

She had a child in Singapore

And that - in 1923 and the year before

She was naughty with that man next door.

And now - on her poor back once more

But this last once 'tis for ever evermore.

Image of written verse

Verse written on paper (click to enlarge)